Saturday, December 8, 2018

Male and Female

Something I've been thinking about lately...

27 So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.

28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”   From Genesis 1  ESV

God also made most animals male and female, but he doesn't mention that in the beginning. But He does make a point of stating that man was created male and female, after saying that they were created in God's image.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Shame? or Confidence!

You know, sometimes it's not what the Bible says, but what it does NOT say.

28 And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming. 1 John 2 ESV

Jesus is coming back again. And how can we have confidence and not shrink back in shame when he comes? I would think the answer might be live perfectly, be sinless, or be holy like God. But that's not what the word says. What does it say? The key to having confidence and not shrinking from him in shame at his coming is abiding in him. That's it! Abide in him!

If you are interested in what it means to abide in him, here are some thoughts in answer to that very question:

But back to abiding in him...I think the picture of the vine and the branches helps us to see what this means. The branch cannot bear fruit without being connected to the vine, it can't even live without that connection. So Jesus is the source of our spiritual life. And this means we need to be nourished by him with his word, but also talk to him, cry out to him, and spend time with his people, to be encouraged in the truth and love one another. Abiding in him speaks much more of relationship than just doing all the right things.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Cost of Freedom

I was reading The Sign of the Beaver with the kids. As the main character was walking through the forest, he came across a fox gnawing off its leg to escape an iron snare. The author commented:

"He was struck by the bravery that could inflict such pain on itself to gain freedom." p. 65

 At first my thoughts went to the brave people of the American Revolution who were willing to die for their freedom. Later I thought of the Pilgrims and others who left known comforts for religious freedom.

But then my thoughts went in a different direction...

As Christians, how much pain are we willing to inflict on ourselves or allow ourselves to experience to gain freedom from our sin?

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

God Is Light!

"God is light, and in him is no darkness at all"

I've been reflecting on these words from 1 John 1:5. No darkness AT ALL. I thought about how many times I had good intentions of doing the right thing and yet still failed! In me, there is darkness, but in God there is no darkness at all. I have the choice to do evil or not, but God is not even CAPABLE of doing evil! Just this difference alone could explain why we have so much trouble understanding God or his actions sometimes!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Beloved. This word jumped out at me in Ephesians 1:6:

In love 5 he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses...

This is the only place in the whole book of Ephesians where Beloved is used to refer to Jesus. And right after this Paul states that "we have redemption through his blood". I found it interesting that right after Paul calls him Beloved, because he is loved by his Father, he refers to his death, his sacrifice, his suffering for us that God, our Father, sent him to accomplish. God loved/loves Jesus perfectly, but he still sent him to die for us! And Jesus willingly laid down his life for us! Wow!!!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2017 Was an Eventful Year!!!

So much happened in 2017. I am going to share some highlights by month.

Our good friend Madison Stratton came out to visit us for 11 days! We weren't sure how that would go. I've never had a friend come and stay in my house that long, but we had a great visit! Highlights included, but not limited to:
-Sharing good food and laughs together
-A day trip to Springfield for Cherry Pie Day

Geoff and I celebrated our anniversary by taking a trip to Washington, D.C. and Baltimore
-We enjoyed the Amtrak ride out there - I especially remember being enchanted by the lights of Pittsburgh in the wee dark early morning (about 4am).
-I had never been in the House or Senate chambers in the Capital building  before. We also had interesting conversations with people while waiting in line.
-Pad Thai with fried soft shell crab (my highlight, not Geoff's)
-Great breakfasts and conversations with people at the B&Bs  where we stayed
-Delicious fried pickles and crab dip on a "P" pretzel at Pickles Pub before the Cubs game
-Friendly Baltimore fans at the game

God gave us a baby in July and provided people and circumstances to help me be at peace with being pregnant. "The Lord has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes."

We lost the baby
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.  Job 1:21

Rebekah, Katherine and I were able to fly to Texas to visit Madison.
Some highlights:
-Rebekah's first flight!
-Experiencing just a little of the effects of Harvey
-BJs Irish root beer and pizookies
-Sandra Bullock movies
-Good food like stuffed avocado and queso with Texas-shaped chips
-Just hanging out and meeting Mabs' friends

Apple Butter Day is always a highlight of the year. A couple things that made it interesting this year:
1. A tornado warning that brought the celebration inside with the Russells and Devin
2. Musical chairs with live music

We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. So thankful for my husband and for my kids who knew that even though we took a trip to celebrate, that we would still appreciate an open house to celebrate with others. I love you all!!! The kids even kicked us out of the house the day of so that we would not have to deal with the pre-party stress. They did a great job!

I was so thankful to be able to go down to Macomb just to visit Geoff's 99 year old Grandma White and his 101 year old Great Aunt Juanita. We don't know how much longer we will have to be able to visit them. Which brings me to my last thoughts.

This past year we went to Elaine's, Gerald's cousin's wife, funeral in July.

Gerald's brother Stanley died in August and Geoff was able to go to Texas for the funeral with his Dad and Aunt Christine.

Geoff and I were able to go to Ohio in December with Mary Jane and Gerald when her brother Bill died. It was sad, but a great time with family.

We don't really have any exiting plans for 2018, but I look forward to what God has in store for us! He is faithful!

(And BTW, this was a super long post! If you made it to the end, you deserve a gold star!)