Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I am the bread of life

This is a study I wrote as a follow up to a devotion I did for our homeschool coop this morning. We are looking at the "I am" statements of Jesus. This is the first one: I am the bread of life.

John 6

This is not meant to be done in one day, but could be spread out over several days.

  1. Read through John 6. Context is very important.
***Questions 2-6 are observation questions designed to help you look more at what the passage actually says. For an idea for young readers, see below. ***

###If you are a visual learner or like coloring, see suggestions for manuscript study below.

  1. Look for “I am the bread...” in verses 35-51. Write out the sentences. How many times does it occur? Are they all the same or different?
  2. Read verses 28-29 and then read Ephesians 2:8-10. What do these verses say about work or works?
  3. Look in 1-34 for “sign/s”. What does it say about it?
  4. About salvation: look at the verses in 37-51, 63-65 that talk about eternal life or coming to Jesus. What does it say the Father does, what does it say people do?
  5. Find the separate verses that connect the Father, Jesus, and the Spirit with life. (51-63)

Extra things to think about...

  1. Reflect on the connection between God's people eating manna in the wilderness and Jesus being the “bread of life” in verses 28-35, 47-50, and 57-58.
  2. Why are verses 16-24 stuck in the middle of these two sections that are obviously connected?
  3. What is the significance of mentioning that the Passover was at hand in v. 4?

***Young readers: Print out 35-51 and have them underline or highlight the verses that have “I am the bread...” Discuss similarities/differences. You could also print out 1-34 and have them mark sign/s distinctly and discuss.

###Manuscript study: Print all of chapter 6. Underline “I am the bread”, “work/s”, “sign/s”, the salvation verses, and “life” in distinct ways. Then write separate lists of what it says about each in the margins. If you like this kind of study and would like more ideas, ask me!

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