Saturday, February 27, 2021

Praying the Psalms

 Sometimes reading something in a different translation can impact me in a different way. This can happen to me when I sing the Psalms.

Psalm 119:145-152

"The things you command I will do." Wow! So straightforward and convicting! Often when I read/sing the Psalms I find I need to stop and confess, or commit to doing something I am not doing. God, help me to do the things that you command, or give me the desire to want to do them.

"Before dawn I rise and I cry out for help" How many mornings have I lain in my bed, thinking I should get up so that I would make better use of my time? O Lord, help me to not squander the early morning. Help me to rise and be a good steward of the early morning quiet that is a blessing from You!

"My hope by Your promises stirred" How many times do I place my hope in hearing back from a friend rather than having my hope fully in the Lord and in the promises of His word? Lord, please show me when my hope is in the things of this life rather than in You. Please unite my heart to fear Your name. Help me to place my hope in You and You alone!

"O Lord, in Your love hear my voice when I call" Thank You for Your love for me.

"O Lord You continue to be near to me" Thank You God, that You are always near to me, no matter how I feel. I may stray from You, but You are always with me!.

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